My favorite Brazilian is moving back to Brazil :(
Thank goodness she thought enough of me to hang out one last time before she leaves Monday. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her lol. This girl ALWAYS knows all the cool stuff to do in the city. And she's the ONLY person that ever got me dancing in the club all night long (if you've seen my moves, you know why I don't even bother). And she's one of those dance-to-the-beat-of-their-own-drum types. Not to get all homo, but this chick is dope and she will truly be missed.
She invited me to a mixtape release party for this Trouble Andrew guy that I'd never heard of but was still down for nonetheless. I YouTube'd the kid and I actually ended up liking his shit. I don't really wanna ruin it by trying to describe it, so:
well, at least, I like it.
It was at this bar called Don Hill's on the LES. I had no clue what the dress code called for but when my friend said she was gonna look like a "white African Queen", I knew what time it was. I decided I'd be a black Indian princess.
Naturally I got lost on my way there. The A train was on its period or something and just skipped the Spring St stop. Then I ended up walking like a million blocks in the wrong direction! Mind you, its maybe 20 degrees outside and I have on fucking sequined leggings. Quick detour: the leggings.OMG. On the train, there was a group of schoolers on there tryna Waka Flocka Flame my ass!!! One kid was all, "Where are YOU goin" and shit. I sat facing the opposite direction of them and acted like I didn't hear it but I was dying laughing. They got me.
So I get there and they give me a swag bag. You know bitches love free shit so I was too excited (even if it was only filled with stickers and mixtapes of folks I aint never heard of). Then I see my friend, who is standing with her one friend I already met, who is standing with his two friends looking like a gang of black hipsters. My friend got a beer ("the hipster beer") and since I didn't care to be the drunk or sober one for the night, I got one too. I hate beer so I just roger'd what she got. By the time I got cash from the ATM she had already sat down somewhere leaving me to order for myself, which I also hate. Don't judge. Then I realized I couldn't pronounce the name of the effing beer. I remembered seeing 'Blue Ribbon' on the can but I wasn't sure if I could just be like, "Hey, can I get a Blue Ribbon?". Maybe 'Blue Ribbon' is like the 'Cola' of beer? And you certainly can't tell the man at McDonald's, "Yeah, I'll have a 'Cola' with that".
So I just said "Pabst" really fast and though it sounded alot like "Paps", the guy gave me what I wanted.
Trouble Andrew finally came out (in tweed pants and suspenders) and I enjoyed his performance. Then my friend started freaking out that this Ninja Sonik dude was in the building. He performed. I'm not saying shit about him because he seems like the type that would hunt me down and kill me if I had anything negative to say.
Moving on.
Well, actually, thats it. I went to the dirty diner by the crib for breakfast (at 3am) and then I walked my ass back home.
I fucking love this city.