Thursday, December 25, 2008


Okay, so you know I'm semiobsessed with MTV's The Hills, right? Well, if you are too, you probably remember the episode a few months ago where Whitney had the opportunity to style that new artist for her signing party, right? In case you don't, that artist was lady gaga. i remember thinking, 'hmmm, she's kinda dope', but i quickly brushed her off. Now, with 'Just Dance' all over the radio, she's all over my radar. I downloaded her, and I like her sound. 'Beautiful,Dirty,Rich' is my new anthem. She's giving us something different, in my opinion. I thought she was one of those kick ass Euro-trash types at first, but she's actually an italian girl from NYC. This made me like her even more. I even think I have a fashion crush on her.

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