Thursday, May 23, 2013


No matter how hard it may get at times...
its always worth it.

I find this to be true in every area of my life.  Every situation, every always worth it.

Almost especially if it is painful or uncomfortable experience. This is why lately I've tried to challenge myself to say yes more than no; to do exactly the things that kind of scare me a bit or that I normally don't do. 

I just want to live. Fully and freely.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cette Ans...

Whenever I get to a point in life where my words are constantly jumbled and I can't complete a single thought or sentence, I like to believe its the universe's way of telling me I need to write.  

Let the therapy session commence.

It seems as if alot has happened since the start of the new year. A lot of change has taken form, especially in regards to my career.  I've altered the strategy I was using to build the type of life I wanted to have tremendously.  And slowly, confidence in these new changes has fallen in line.  
Lesson to Remember:
      You know what you want.  Pursue it. Stay true to it.
      Don't  comprise your happiness.  Take care of you first.

I've met a few people this year who have encouraged and/or inspired me in my pursuit of happiness to To stop thinking, planning, analyzing and just do.  I'd mastered the 'neurotic New Yorker' bit and it was time to get a gotdamn grip.
Lesson to Remember:
      Not everyone's pro-You, but one's who matter always are.
      Your 'social karma' will always do you justice. 

I've continued to explore the works and ideologies of other great creative people in film, music and literature as well as to those in the beauty industry and I have gotten loads of inspiration.  The more I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone, the closer I've gotten to true happiness. 
Lesson to Remember:
      Never stop looking. 
      Always be working... on yourself.

I'm not 100%, but I feel like I am on the brink of something incredible happening in my life.  I think I'm ready to let go of alot of things and just be.  Well, 'do' and 'be'.