Friday, April 20, 2012

Random:10 reasons I'm not allowed to reproduce

10 reasons I'm not allowed to reproduce 

I laugh when kids get caught stealing shit

I do not cook. Ever. For any reason. Ever

I still need to call a lifeline to see if is ok to eat that leftover pizza that's been sitting in my fridge since ...

I want to live in FAO Schwarz. 

I think cleaning up someone else's caca/ puke is the grossest thing in the world

I don't want to get a real job

I like being able to bounce from state to state on a whim

I have a tendency to want shit really bad and then be completely over it once I get it.  And for the most part, theres no return 
policy on children. 

I still watch cartoons on Youtube and buy Lisa Frank shit when I randomly see it in public.

Despite all of these things. I'm still up for the challenge

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