Monday, August 22, 2011

Save Me From Myself

So I think I'm about to have an anxiety attack. 

Of course I haven't technically been diagnosed as a person who suffers from them but I know I'm not crazy.  Out of nowhere sometimes I just feel like there is absolutely too much fucking shit going on and there is no way I'm going to be able to handle it. Let me elaborate...

I work for a menswear line (assistant).  I work retail (overnight).  I am working on my real career (more on that when I'm not about to jump off a building).

So.  1) I had a super important photo shoot planned and my photographer fucking canceled on me (he gave me a pretty decent heads up so I'm not too mad). 2) I have a deadline to meet with this blogging shit (for the menswear line) and I don't know where to begin. 3) I just registered for my next FIT course today.  And I totally didn't realize it starts in like a week (*curses self*).  On top of that, I just got on board with yet another 2 photo shoots coming up and may have an opportunity to work with another photographer (but on an entirely different gig than the one that was with the photog that deaded me). 

All of this shit just hit me at like 4:30pm. 

I can't with myself.

Obviously I googled "How to handle anxiety attacks".
One site had it layed out for me in numerical order.
1. Change your diet.(Sure)
2. Reduce caffeine intake. (Fuck you Starbucks and your overpriced delicious ass, get-the-job-done Caramel Frapps!)
3. Vitamin B. (The fuck. is that?)
4. Exercise. (Bitch, I live in New York.  My whole existence can be considered excerise)
5. Massage. (I wish.)

and then a few doozies
6. Analyze and face your problems and fears. (Super 'Fuck you' to whoever wrote this.)
7. Think positive. (Easier said than done)
8.  Take action. (I think thats what got me in this place to begin with)

There were like 12 more but they lost my interest.
I need narcotics. Now.

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